How To Make Self Tuition Successful

Written by A K Whitehead

Is it possible to study successfully on one's own? Certainly. Being taught something by someone else is usuallyrepparttar easiest way of learning but if, for whatever reason, that is not possible or just difficult, self tuition is a means torepparttar 109388 same end that can be made to work for you.

There are four principles which one needs to remember to be successful: STRATEGY, MOTIVATION, APPLICATION and PERSISTENCE. These, in fact, are not too different fromrepparttar 109389 requirements for success in any form of study. But their essentialities are all tightened up in achieving goals in self study.

SRATEGY A carefully devised strategy before considering anything else will pay great dividends later. So undertake it carefully atrepparttar 109390 start.

One needs to be clear aboutrepparttar 109391 ultimate objective. Ask yourself : where I want to finish up? What arerepparttar 109392 essential stages in getting? How do I keep my options open in case I need to make a change of direction or objective later on?

Most strategies in education and training will involve sitting and passing examinations. Make sure atrepparttar 109393 outset whatrepparttar 109394 exact requirements are. Approachrepparttar 109395 organising body and get allrepparttar 109396 information you can. The same advice really applies also to examinations run by any official body which will validate your qualifications.

Setting Your Pace This is whererepparttar 109397 self-tuition student can score an advantage. You are not constrained byrepparttar 109398 set progress of tuition classes. You can go faster or slower according to your own preferences andrepparttar 109399 daterepparttar 109400 examining body sets for its exams. But be honest with yourself in setting these time objectives.

Exam Strategy An examination system sets (usually) rigid frameworks within which you must operate. Try to make them work for you. For example, exams often have elements of predictability. The subject areas are fixed andrepparttar 109401 syllabus is known in advance. The areas for exam questions can often be predicted from a study of past papers. Get hold of as many as you can and spend time studying them - just as important as studying your subject!

Programme Of Study Buy whatever books are recommended for each subject. Don't skimp on this because they takerepparttar 109402 place ofrepparttar 109403 teacher/lecturer and are essential.

How To Pass Exams

Written by A K Whitehead

How To Pass Exams by A K Whitehead

In modern society passing educational examinations becomes an increasingly important and essential means to a better job and improved living standards.

The structure and nature of all examinations are things we cannot change to suit ourselves. Hence we need to find ways of dealing effectively with them - ways of making their systems and requirements actually work for us.

There are ways of doing this andrepparttar following can be successfully used by anyone studying for any examinations because exams usually have certain key common elements.

Check Out The Syllabus As an examinee, you have to abide by certain rules and constraints. The time length ofrepparttar 109387 exam, how many question you have to answer, and so forth.

Butrepparttar 109388 examiners also have to abide by certain rules - and they cannot change them (at least not without adequate notice) any more than you can! They have to publish a syllabus for every examination and they can only ask questions on what is contained within that syllabus. Once you know repparttar 109389 syllabus, you know whererepparttar 109390 starting and finishing lines are and how far you have to run

Moreover, all parts ofrepparttar 109391 syllabus are not equal: some parts of it are more equal than others. Some topics will hardly ever be questioned while others will come up every year. Highlightrepparttar 109392 syllabus using two colours: red, say, for those areas that come up very frequently; green for those which rarely come up. Do this only after a systematic inspection of past exam papers, asrepparttar 109393 next section will explain.

Then use a third colour to highlight those (hopefully very few) parts ofrepparttar 109394 syllabus which you have really serious difficulty with. Providing these parts are not numerous, and depending on how often they come up, it may be possible to leave them on one side. But do use sense and judgement in doing this!

Whatever You Are Studying, First Study The Exam Papers Studying past examination papers is almost as crucial as studyingrepparttar 109395 subject you have chosen!

Get hold of as many past papers as you can. The more you haverepparttar 109396 better you will be able to discern any patterns. Draw up a grid on A4 paper. Dividerepparttar 109397 top horizontally into years - as many as you have past papers for plus one forrepparttar 109398 year in which you are going to sitrepparttar 109399 exam

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